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25 Women Who Rocked as B2B Industry Influencers in 2022

Posted on Dec 29th, 2022
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Over the past few years aka “the Covid years” the role of influence in B2B marketing has grown significantly. Our 2022 research report, The State of B2B Influencer Marketing, reported that 85% of B2B marketers believe that interest in working with influencers in the coming 12 months will increase. On top of that, of the B2B marketers that do engage in influencer marketing programs, 86% consider their efforts successful.

    There’s a lot to be optimistic about, especially in a business environment that requires B2B marketers to find every advantage they can to grow in a potentially down market.

    The rising tide of influencer marketing popularity amongst B2B brands has also seen a shift towards a more diverse group of influencers. Now don’t get me wrong, the majority of influencers I’m seeing from B2B brands are still the usual suspects which doesn’t exactly represent 100% of the audiences brands are trying to reach. So there has been movement towards engaging more women and people of color as influencers in the B2B space.

    At TopRank Marketing we’re doing our small part to shine a light on more diverse talent within the B2B marketing world and with this 13th edition of our Women Who Rock list, we’re highlighting a mix of women that are influential in various B2B industries. From rising stars to north stars, from Bay Area to Zurich, we have a sample of the fast growing segment of influencer talent B2B brands should be considering as partners in their marketing programs.

    Women Who Rock as B2B Influencers

    Ann Handley /in/annhandley/  @MarketingProfs
    Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs
    Ann is a speaker, author, and member of the LinkedIn Influencer program. She is the author of the Wall Street Journal best-seller on business writing, “Everybody Writes,” and the co-author of the best-selling book on content marketing, “Content Rules”.
    Talks about #content #contentmarketing #b2bmarketing #CavalierKingCharlesSpaniels 

    Charlene Li /in/charleneli/  @charleneli
    Chief Research Officer at PA Consulting, NY Times Bestselling Author
    Charlene’s role is to catalyze transformation as an expert on disruption strategy and leadership by writing books, speaking, and advising companies and their leaders.
    Talks about #disruption, #leadership, #futureofwork, #digitaldisruption, and #digitaltransformation

    Duena Blomstrom /duenablomstrom/  @DuenaBlomstrom
    Author, Keynote Speaker, CoFounder, Chief Product Officer at People Not Tech
    London based Duena is the author of “Emotional Banking” and “People Before Tech: The Importance of Psychological Safety and Teamwork in the Digital Age”. She is a doer, an entrepreneur, an industry influencer, a blogger with cutting edge opinion style, a writer for Forbes, an international keynote speaker and the creator of the Emotional Banking™ and Human Debt™ concepts.
    Talks about #teams, #devops, #humandebt, #technology, and #psychologicalsafety 

    Efi Pylarinou /in/efipylarinou/  @efipm
    Founder of Pylarinou Advisory
    Currently based in Zurich, Efi is a seasoned Wall Street professional and ex-academic who has become a Top Global Fintech and Thought Leader with a Ph.D. in Finance. She is also a prolific content creator, a Host, an Author, and a Speaker.
    Talks about #fintech, #innovation, #digitalassets, and #artificialintelligence 

    Cathy Hackl /in/cathyhackl/  @CathyHackl
    Founder & Chief Metaverse Officer at Journey
    Known as the Godmother of the Metaverse, Cathy is a globally recognized metaverse/ web3 strategist, tech futurist, sought-after business executive, speaker and media personality with deep expertise working in metaverse-related fields with companies like HTC VIVE, Magic Leap, and Amazon Web Services.
    Talks about #nfts, #metaverse, #technology, #augmentedreality, and #spatialcomputing

    Kimberly Bryant /in/kimberlybryant/  @BlackGirlsCode
    Founder and CEO Ascend Ventures and Founder Black Girls CODE
    Kimberly has been nationally recognized as a thought leader for her work to increase opportunities for women and girls in the technology industry and has received numerous awards for her work with Black Girls CODE.
    Talks about #culture, #leadership, #technology, and #diversityequityandinclusion 

    Katie Martell /in/katiemartell/  @KatieMartell
    Marketing Communications Consultant, Speaker, Host and Emcee
    Leaving it up to debate whether she is a hologram or real, Katie partners with brands to amplify stories of transformation, and trends in customer experience.
    Talks about #cx, #b2b, #marketing, #digitalmarketing, and #customerexperience 

    Tiffani Bova /in/tiffanibova/  @Tiffani_Bova
    Growth & Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce
    As a Keynote speaker, WSJ Bestselling author, What’s Next Podcast host. Tiffani works with some of the most innovative companies in the world as they look to transform the way they engage with customers, grow their business and create amazing customer experiences. Her role is to look out to the future for disruptive trends while at the same time scanning the near horizon for the real world impact. Her current conversations center around 2 objectives: customer success and growth.
    Talks about #sales, #growth, #leadership, #customerexperience, and #employeeexperience 

    Meghan Biro /in/meghanmbiro/  @MeghanMBiro
    Founder at TalentCulture
    Meghan is host of the #WorkTrends Podcast, Author, Speaker and a HRTech Evangelist that also contributes regularly at Forbes, Huffington Post, and several other media outlets.
    Talks about #hr, #leadership, #worktrends, #workculture, and #futureofwork 

    Sally Eaves /in/sally-eaves/  @sallyeaves
    CEO and Director Sally Eaves Consultancy, Keynote Speaker and Author
    A member of the Forbes Technology Council, Sally is an award winning international keynote speaker, author and influencer with globally leading rankings across all advanced technology disciplines, digital transformation, future of work and social innovation aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
    Talks about #5g, ##cloud, #techforgood, ##cybersecurity, and #artificialntelligence 

    Sarah Barnes-Humphrey /in/sarahbarneshumphrey/  @bevictoryus
    Founder/Host Lets Talk Supply Chain podcast
    Posting daily supply chain, diversity & inclusion, and leadership content that reaches millions.
    Talks about #thoughtsandcoffee, #womeninsupplychain, #letstalksupplychain, #diversityandinclusion, and #supplychainmanagement 

    Theodora Lau /in/theodoralau/ @psb_dc
    Founder – Unconventional Ventures
    Theodora is a book author, podcast host, startup advisor and public speaker on DEI, Fintech, Financial Inclusion, and Tech for Good. Talks about #ai, #fintech, #longevity, #inequality, and #financialservices

    Kimberly Ellison-Taylor  /in/kimberly-n-ellison-taylor-b1a13a2/ @kellisontaylor
    CEO KET Solutions
    Kimblerly is a Global Technology and Finance Leader, Volunteer Leader, Corporate Board Director, and Keynote Speaker on finance and technology topics.
    Talks about #governance #risk #compliance audit #cfo #globalleadership 

    Ty Heath  /in/tyronaheath/ @tyrona
    Director, Market Engagement, The B2B Institute at LinkedIn
    Ty’s role focuses on researching, teaching and writing about B2B marketing, social selling as well as leadership, diversity and inclusion.
    Talks about #b2binstitute, #b2bmarketing, #b2bcreativity, #entrepreneurship, and #diversityequityandinclusion

    Helen Yu  /in/tigonhyu/ @YuHelenYu
    Founder & CEO at Tigon Advisory Corp
    Helenn is a Board of Director; Fortune 500 Advisor; Top 50 Women in Tech; Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author; Keynote Speaker; and Host of CXO Spice among many other responsibilities.
    Talks about #ai, #cybersecurity, #manufacturing, #customerexpereince, and #digitaltransformation

    Shelly DeMotte Kramer  /in/shellydemottekramer/ @ShellyKramer
    Principal Analyst + Founding Partner, Futurum Research and The Futurum Group
    Shelly has worked with some of the world’s largest brands to help them embrace disruption and the reality of the connected customer, and to successfully understand and navigate the process of Digital Transformation (DX).
    Talks about #cloud, #security, #futureofwork, #collaboration, and #cybersecurity

    Jo Peterson  /in/jopeterson1/ @digitalcloudgal
    Vice President Cloud & Security Services at Clarify360
    Jo is a digital transformation expert, board member, advisor, philanthropist, and United States Air Force veteran.
    Talks about #cio, #ciso, #cloud, #cybersecurity, and #edgecomputing

    Kamales Lardi  /in/kamaleslardi/ @KamLardi
    Managing Director at Valtech
    Swiss based Kamales is an author and keynote speaker with over 22 years of deep cross-industry experience with the latest digital and technology solutions and a strategic thinker on digital and business transformation.
    Talks about #digitalacceleration, #blockchaintechnology, #emergingtechnologies, #digitaltransformation, and #artificialintelligence

    Maribel Lopez  /in/maribellopez/ @MaribelLopez
    Founder & Analyst at Lopez Research
    Maribel tech is an industry analyst, speaker and business advisor focused on helping companies understand and navigate digital transformation.
    Talks about #tech, #edgecomputing, #futureofworkplace, #digitaltransformation, and #artificialintelligence

    Kate O’Neill  /in/kateoneill/ @kateo
    CEO: KO Insights, Keynote Speaker and Author
    Kate is an Author; host of The Tech Humanist Show and keynote speaker focused on the future of human experiences amid tech & other changes at scale.
    Talks about #future, #humanity, #strategy, #experience, and #techforgood 

    Christina Trampota  /in/christinatrampota/ @tektalk
    Managing DirectorManaging Director at Innovate :: Grow :: Scale
    As an award-winning digital, mobile, and fintech industry leader and influencer, Christina provides global corporate strategy and insights for connecting businesses with customers through unique touchpoints that grow lifetime value – living and working at the intersection of people, platforms and payments.
    Talks about #web3, #fintech, #commerce, #payments, and #innovation

    Linda Grasso  /in/linda-grasso/ @LindaGrass0
    Founder of digital transformation blog, DeltalogiX
    Based in Naples, Italy Linda is a rising star Digital Creator & Tech Influencer, Infopreneur, YouTuber, #Sustainability Advocate & Life Enthusiast.
    Talks about #innovation, #technology, #sustainability, #entrepreneurship, and #digitaltransformation

    Dr Sarah-Jayne Gratton  /in/sarahgratton/ @grattongirl
    Founding Partner, The Influencers
    Sarah is host of the Tech Uncorked Podcast, Editor of Agritech Future Magazine and a leading technology evangelist, specializing in emerging technologies and covering trends in artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, agritech, digital transformation and mixed reality.
    Talks about #5g, #iot, #agritech, #customerexperience, and #artificialintelligence

    Jessie Medina  /in/jessiemedinaofficial/ @jessiemedinaoff
    Jessie is a speaker & consultant, podcast host and community builder. She speaks on intersectionality such as women in business, women in corporate, and equality. as women in business, women in corporate, and equality
    Talks about #speaker, #femaleceo, #femalefounders, and #femaleentrepreneurs

    Tamara McCleary  /in/tamaramccleary/ @TamaraMcCleary
    CEO at Thulium
    A long time B2B tech influencer, Tamara’s focus is on academic research: science, technology, ethics & public purpose. She is currently a research scientist and technology ethicist and recent graduate (5/2022) of Harvard University’s Kennedy School and continuing dual degree student at the Harvard Divinity School.
    Talks about #science #technology #ethics #publicpurpose 

    Please be sure to check out the LinkedIn profiles of this impressive group of influencers in the B2B world.

    Download 2022 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report
    In case you missed it, here are the latest findings from our research on trends, strategies and best practices for B2B Influencer Marketing to guide you into 2023.

    If you’re wondering about how to organize a program that effectively activates a small or large group of influencers for a project or program, look no further than the team at TopRank Marketing. We’ve worked with some of the influencers on this list for many years and some more recently – and we can help architect the right kind of content activations that will be as inspiring to the influencers as it will be to your customers. Ping Tony at for more information or contact us.

    To see the previous 12 years of our Women Who Rock lists, check out the links below: