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Do you use desktop blogging software?

Posted on Dec 30th, 2005
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    Desktop blogging software allows you to open up an application on your computer, connect to your blog and write from the comforts of your desktop.

    Why would someone want this? More features, better user interface and the ability to easily post to one or more blogs without ever having to actually go to them.

    When I started thinking about this post I thought I’d research some desktop software. It turns out that I couldn’t find as many as I thought I would.

    That’s where you come in, what desktop software do you use to post to your blog? I know that some of you prefer a desktop client over a web based admin area. Myself, I haven’t really tried any, but it’s an idea that does interest me.

    Here are a few desktop clients I found that can connect into WordPress, TypePad, Blogger and other blog software packages.

    MacJournal (Mac)
    Etco (Mac & PC)
    MarsEdit (Mac)
    w.bloggar (PC)
    BlogJet (PC)

    Browser Based – Mac & PC
    Deepest Sender (LiveJournal Only)

    From everything I’m reading I have to test out Etco and MarsEdit. Both have great features and good reviews, but there is no clear winner.

    So, my question to you, what do you use and why?
